School-based Speech Therapy Services

The Speech Therapist provides speech assessment for all students in the school. Through observation and assessment, individual therapy, group therapy and classroom support are provided to students in need to enhance their speech and social communication skills. The speech therapist will also provide dyslexia students with literacy training to improve their related skills.

Student Support Level

  • To assess, develop and conduct individual speech therapy programmes for students with speech and language impairment, providing individual therapy, group therapy and in-class support.

  • Provides appropriate literacy training for dyslexic students to improve their reading and writing skills.


Parent Support Level

  • Parents are introduced to speech therapy services and language training through parent seminars and workshop sharing.

  • and keep parents informed of their student’s treatment progress and performance through individual meetings or phone calls.


Teacher Support Level

  • Regular meetings with teachers and case discussions on students in need allow teachers to deepen their understanding of classroom support techniques and transform speech therapy strategies into teaching elements.

  • Collaborate with teachers to provide training on interviewing skills for students to enhance their knowledge and skills in interviewing.

  • To equip teachers with speech therapy knowledge and skills to cater for students’ individual, community and learning needs through workshop sharing.


School Support Level

  • Participate in the School Pilot Scheme ASD SPECIAL UNIT (ASD) and work with professional co-workers to develop students’ Individual Learning Profiles (ILPs); and implement programmes to enhance students’ verbal and social communication skills.