Our school is committed to encouraging Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students to integrate into the community and enjoy equal access to education support services. Therefore, our school provides a wide range of professional support services for NCS students to enhance their social and language expression skills. The major support services include:
- In order to cater for the individual learning needs of NCS students, our school has developed teaching materials for NCS students, conducted levels differentiation teaching and arranged after-school pull-out Chinese learning groups
- Our Educational Psychologists will conduct assessments and set up behavioural improvement plans for needy NCS students, so that NCS students can be taken care of in a holistic manner.
- To enable NCS students to have a splendid life, our school arranges students to participate in exchange programmes and public service in different countries, so that they can see the world and enrich their life experience.
- Through diversified learning activities, students are able to understand their own interests and abilities, and are provided with early career planning programmes to develop their vocational skills and assist them in articulating to further studies or employment.
